It’s not so easy to write an interesting persuasive essay, that’s why we’ve gathered this list of interesting subjects to help you get new ideas about your future work. Read them carefully and have a good luck with your argumentative writing! Remember that every page of your paper should persuade readers on your argument. We hope these great controversial examples will make your writing easier like Ted’s List.


Persuasive writing involves your attempt, as a writer, to convince the reader to agree with your point of view regarding a particular topic. A persuasive essay is mainly about creating an argument and trying to persuade the reader to agree with your kind of thinking. In persuasive writing, you have to blend in facts, reason and emotion as you try to convince your audience that you are right about a particular topic or issue.


  • Introduction: The first paragraph of your persuasive essay contains a description of the problem providing reason why the audience should care about it. For example, you can use statistics to explain the prevalence of a particular issue that needs to be addressed. After that you can mention a solution.
  • Thesis statement: This is the last bit of the introduction where you state, in a sentence or two, the point you are trying to make
  • Argument: You should look for facts or logos (appeal to logic) that support the point that you want to make. Your argument is the foundation of the persuasive essay. You can use other rhetorical elements such as ethos (appeal to ethics) and pathos (appeal to emotion) to convince your reader about your point.
  • Counterargument: The counterargument provides the reader with an alternative to the point you want to make. In this part, you are trying to show the existing evidence and reasoning that a person with a different alternative might use to present an opposing argument. Here, you are trying to show your audience that you have critically considered alternative arguments against your point of view. A persuasive essay shows consideration for the likelihood of having an argument against your thesis or reasoning.
  • Rebuttal: In this section, you are trying to weaken your opponent’s point of view. The objective of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader that your proposed solution is better. To achieve that, you must consider that someone else might have an opposing opinion (the counterargument). However, after addressing the counterargument, the rebuttal is where you weaken it. In the rebuttal, you are trying to show the reader that despite an existing opposing opinion, your point of view is superior.
  • Conclusion: As you come to the end of your persuasive essay, you should mention the key points and show how they connect with each other. You should refer to your thesis (main argument) that you made in the introduction alongside the supporting evidence. However, it is important for you to acknowledge the opposing point of view (counterargument) and how it might affect your position. You should end your conclusion with a solid statement of one or two sentences showing why your argument is the best despite opposing viewpoints.


  • Take a stance: Here, you are trying to answer the following questions: What is your opinion about an issue? How do you think it can be solved? Be aware of any bias or prejudice that you might have. 
  • Know your audience/readers: You must show that you understand both sides of the issue to make a compelling argument. Your audience might be individuals who are opposed to your point of view. Knowing their stance could help you structure your argument and guide you on selecting evidence.
  • Research your topic thoroughly: You should look for detailed and compelling evidence to disprove any opposing opinion. 
  • Reflect on the structure of the persuasive essay: What evidence will you include and in what order?
  • Provide support for your argument: Blend in facts, reasoning as well as emotion in presenting your argument.

The following is a list of persuasive essay topics that you might explore:


  • Should students be allowed to write different kind of essays and create several pages every month?
  • Should girls and boys study in separate classrooms?
  • Should high schools provide students with sexual education?
  • Should students have less reading at every subject in the school?
  • Should all students be forced to learn art and military in school?
  • Should students search for a job based on their professional direction of studying?
  • Is it good or bad for students to pay for good grades?
  • Should lessons in high schools start later?
  • Should we close high schools in small states and countries?
  • Students shouldn’t learn religion issues.


  • Should parents be forced to pay the tax if their children break high school rules?
  • Is it good or bad to give students free access to contraception?
  • Is it appropriate for a student  to make a public speech about men and women rights in sex?
  • How is it possible to follow the mandatory in the high school?
  • Is it important for society to tell their real point of view to feel satisfied?
  • Is it good for a student to agree to drink a lot for fun?
  • Should youth be allowed to drink alcohol at home under the control?
  • Students shouldn’t be forced to read literature they don’t like.
  • Is it illegal to have a family and a child in a high school?
  • Should the age for official marriage be lowered?


  • Should kids and teachers be friends on Facebook?
  • Every student should use a laptop to type instead of textbooks.
  • Is it good or bad to order an academic paper online?
  • Should students email their teachers or make comments on social networks?
  • Should high school students use their cell phones in classes?
  • Should tablets, smartphones and other gadgets be banned for using at school?
  • Should students pay more attention to their mind, body, and the quality of their life?
  • How is it possible to care about students’ health?
  • Should students be banned to choose any state or country for online studying?
  • Should students who work at the computer be allowed to rest longer?


  • Should young students under 13 be paid to work legally?
  • Should teachers pass a number of tests regularly to renew the information in certificates?
  • Is it a social death for teachers to be required to wear a uniform or have a strict dress code?
  • Should the school year have more breaks for working students to have more rest?
  • Should high school security be stronger to check students every day and prevent dangerous situations in their lives?
  • Should students be allowed to change the government system?
  • Should students pass the tests to graduate the high school and start working?
  • Should all students be involved in recycling?
  • Is it acceptable for students to receive money?
  • Should high schools offer fast food for working students?


  • Should drunk people lose their driving licenses for two years?
  • Should students be allowed to say their personal opinion about violence?
  • Should drugs like marijuana be legalized to use by teenagers under parents’ control?
  • Should boys and girls take part in mixed sport teams in high schools?
  • Should students take a year off after graduating from the high school before getting into college?
  • Should alcohol be allowed to students on campus?
  • Students should have more options for traveling and studying all over the world.
  • Is it appropriate for scientists to make research on animals?
  • Should they make a law about students must pay a fee for their cars if a teacher can’t find a place for parking?
  • Should adults agree to leave students without their support?


  • Gender politics must have a more profound effect national governance
  • Mainstream news media undermines voter objectivity
  • Leader attributes are the dominant key factors for political success
  • Government surveillance mainly targets social control rather than national security
  • Improving the electorate’s representativeness can increase voter turnout
  • Same-sex marriage has more of a social than a political impact
  • Controlling immigration will lead to increased levels of patriotism
  • Border crisis improves foreign relations rather than undermining them
  • Diversity is a major obstacle toward objective political reform
  • Global warming is more of a political than an environmental concern


  • Despite ethical concerns, assisted suicide is an essential in healthcare
  • The benefits of medical marijuana outweigh the drawbacks
  • Medication adherence is a major problem among the elderly than any other population
  • Informed consent should be bypassed in the case of deceased organ donation
  • The birth control pill delays fertility
  • Blood conservation increases the chances of positive patient outcomes
  • The use of internet-based resources at the point of care enhances clinicians’ efficiency
  • The quality of bedside shift reporting majorly depends on communication
  • Doctor autonomy undermines patients’ outcomes
  • Blood donation should not be limited to age


  • Despite environmental concerns, global warming has positive effects
  • Political agendas undermine objective environmental policies
  • Human encroachment is the major cause of environmental degradation
  • Lack of environmental oversight undermines sustainability efforts
  • Industrial wastes are the major causes of river pollution
  • Disposable diapers should be made of easily decomposing material
  • Environmentalists are misusing the concept of sustainable development
  • The costly nature renewable technologies of energy undermines widespread adoption
  • Public transport should be made mandatory
  • Stricter sanctions should be imposed on littering